Welcome to 2025
Do you have a student starting with us this year, but you're not sure what you need to know? Here's a few sources of information to look through before we return for 2025.
Not enrolled yet?
Check out all the requirements on our Enrolments Page and fill in an Expression of Interest. We'll then process your EOI and contact you regarding applications and interviews
Enrolled in Year 7 in 2025?
Your child would have participated in our Transition Day in December. They took home an information pack and it contained everything you need to know. If you're still unsure about elements please check through our Parent Resources page for a comprehensive list of resources
Enrolled in all other years in 2025?
Go to our Parent Resources page for the most up to date information
Any other questions?
The office will open on Monday 20 January for all of your questions. We thank you for your patience at this time as we process requests submitted over the holidays.