At the beginning of the year, ABCN invited Bracken Ridge SHS to be a part of a program whereby mentors from Australia's leading businesses connect with Australian high school students to inspire young people to pursue science, technology, engineering and mathematics job opportunities by encouraging the uptake of STEM subjects. 20 of our year 7 and 8 students travelled to the City on 3 different occasions to participate in the program.

Our Mentors at Ernst Young were incredibly kind, generous and informative in sharing with our students their pathways taken to end up in their current careers. Together, Mentors and Students were guided by an ABCN program facilitator to solve challenges. Over the three excursions we explored AI in todays society and its integration into modern coding, we solved problems as a team (designed and prototyped a wind powered vehicle and an emergency accommodation bunker), and discussed how STEM careers are so much more widespread than what we originally thought!

The students were a pleasure to escort on this series of excursions. Their excitement and intelligence was a highlight for the mentors. Our big city experience was one we all looked forward to each week. We thank Mr Sorrell for driving us on the bus each week.

Another exciting opportunity is arising to participate in more STEM fun – the annual STEM FEST hosted by Deception Bay SHS. Interested students from years 7-10 are invited to contact Mrs Angela Gilbert either in person or via email