We are motivated by, and our energies focused on action that embrace our school motto 'Strive to Accomplish'. Personal choices are critical and the experiences and outcomes for each student are enhanced by demonstrating a commitment to the intent of our school motto.
The Bracken Ridge State High School community operates with the core values of 'Commitment, Co-Operation, Courtesy, Consideration and Common Sense'. It is our ongoing intention is to work in partnership with parents to ensure each student leaves us with a clear understanding of these values.
We have a 'Strategic Focus' that benefits our students in building successful futures. These focus actions are:
1. A shared vision of the learning pathways - that support students learning, and is underpinned by innovative practices across both the Junior and Senior Secondary Phases of learning.
2. Understanding each student - within a personalised learning model that focuses on knowing each student not only as a 'learner' but also important as a 'person' in order to maximise their aspirations, self-belief and ultimately their academic outcomes. The parallel outcomes to this are reflected in a student’s enhanced attendance, leadership and general wellbeing.
3. School community connections - that recognise the valuable contributions that our parents, our primary school partners, and the broader community contribute to the engagement and development of our students. This enhances a student’s sense of community, supports flexible learning options and overall contributes greatly to student learning outcomes.
4. A pedagogical framework - whereby all teaching and learning is underpinned through structured and consistent classroom operations and curriculum, explicit and guided instruction, consistency of practice, high expectations, monitoring and feedback, which all contribute to success through routine and are focused on the achievement of each student.
5. Learning skills - underpinned by a shared whole school vision and understanding of the benefits to be gained through consistency of practice in the key areas of Literacy, Numeracy and ICT development for each of our students. And finally but not least
6. Workforce capability - built around a model of developing our skill sets through an instructional framework, whereby staff collaborate professionally by means of a collegial coaching structure, linked to a purposeful PD agenda in building staff capabilities to maximise student engagement and outcomes.