Junior Secondary students at Bracken Ridge State High School are encouraged and supported to strive to achieve personal excellence. Our standards are high and support every student to achieve success. At Bracken Ridge State High School we cater for the broad range of student talents and enable them to perform at their optimum level whether it is in the academic arena, the arts, culturally, on the sporting fields and/or developing student leadership.
Bracken Ridge State High School is committed to providing a rich range of opportunities and programs for junior secondary students. We work hard to ensure that students are given every chance to realise their full potential as creative and intellectual young people.
Our commitment is to provide an environment where all community members feel safe, respected and their contributions valued; where social and academic learning outcomes are maximised for all through quality curriculum, interpersonal relationships and school organisation; where school practices are proactive rather than reactive; and where appropriate and non-discriminatory language and behaviours are defined, modelled and reinforced.
We are a school which encourages our young people to develop attitudes of independence, initiative, self-discipline and a strong sense of belonging. Our school is a safe place where you can pursue your studies and achieve personal excellence.
We know your student; we know our learners