A number of students from the Class of 2024 have recently received a QTAC Early Offer for their first preferences university course starting in 2025!
Congratulations to:-
Natalie Brickel-Smith - Bachelor of Nursing at ACU
Allison Gallagher - Bachelor of Science at QUT
Alexandria Hogan - Tertiary Preparation Pathway at USC
Charlotte Johnston - Bachelor of Education at ACU
Kayden La Motte - Bachelor of Information Technology at QUT
Charlotte Lawrence - Bachelor of Computer Science at USC
Freya Marsh-Tingey - Tertiary Preparation Pathway at USC
Bella Redsell - Bachelor or Property Economoncs at QUT
Kaitlyn Robins - Bachelor of Education at ACU
Jake Rooney - Bachelor of Nursing at ACU
Dakoda Zagami - Diploma of Education at ACU
Emma Bishop - Bachelor of Psychological Science/Bachelor of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Griffith Uni
Recipients of QTAC Early Offers demonstrated consistent dedication and achievement across their senior school program of learning, and their hard work has certainly paid off. The BRSHS community congratulations them on their success and wishes them all the best for their future studies.