Social Sciences at Bracken Ridge State High School covers a lot of ground, from past events and places to what's happening in the world today and what might happen in the future. Students learn about history, geography, how governments and communities work, and economics.
By studying Social Sciences, students get better at asking questions, thinking clearly, solving problems, sharing their ideas, making choices, and dealing with changes. They look into important issues, understanding why they happen by learning about history, places, government, money matters, and how people live together. This helps students see how all these things are connected.
In the Senior School, students can choose to focus more on Modern History, Legal Studies, Business, and Geography or Social and Community Studies. These areas help students develop sophisticated writing, researching, thinking deeply, and evaluating information skills.
The goal of Social Sciences at Bracken Ridge State High School is for students understand the world better, feel ready to take part in making their communities and the world a better place, and keen to tackle challenges. Bracken Ridge State High School's approach to Social Sciences prepares students to be active, thoughtful members of society who want to make a difference.