In the senior secondary phase at Bracken Ridge students in Years 10, 11 and 12 are able to tailor their course of study to develop the knowledge, skill and techniques necessary to achieve Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE). By utilizing an individualized approach; through the Student Education and Training Plan process (SET P) students select a combination of 6 subjects which shape their pathways to achieve a QCE and tertiary entrance score (OP), vocational pathway or a combination of both. This combination allows students to invest in knowledge that interests them and provides them with the best opportunities for their future career pathways.
To achieve a QCE, students must meet the literacy and numeracy standard and achieve 20 credit points by achieving a sound achievement or better in their chosen subjects. The goal for all students in the senior phase of learning is to successfully achieve to the best of their ability. The long term prospects to educate and skill our students in order to gain employment in their chosen field, to undertake or continue in a traineeship or apprenticeships or to further their education at university, TAFE and to lead successful, productive lives.
Students during the Senior Learning Program (SLP) are guided through a range of activities to develop their knowledge and understanding of the world of work, careers, courses and opportunities.
This pathway is a 2 year commitment of study. It is anticipated that all students and parents read the senior curriculum guide very carefully and that they attend the information evening in August to ensure all avenues for success have been considered. Please feel free to consult school staff at any time about these very important decisions.